Contact Walk-In Wills today for help with will and trust creation, probate, long-term care planning, and other essential estate planning needs.

Chandler, AZ Wills

Virtually everyone should have a legally binding and comprehensive will as the foundation of their estate plan. Even people with few assets and relatively small estates must have a last will and testament in place to ensure their families receive assets in the manner the estate planner sees fit.

Unfortunately, far too many people put off estate planning or feel they don’t really need a will. Our lawyers at Walk-In Wills have seen the fallout that occurs when a person forgoes estate planning. That’s why we encourage all residents of Chandler, AZ to develop a will that serves their needs and represents their wishes.

How Are Wills Created?

While the details can vary greatly from estate to estate, there are five general aspects of will creation. They include:

  • Making a List of Your Assets – Assets can be tangible and intangible items, including vehicles, homes, life insurance policies, bank accounts, and many others. If an asset is not included within a will, the court will decide how to distribute it.
  • Selecting Heirs and Beneficiaries – Once you’ve listed all assets, you’ll need to think about who should receive them. This can include heirs, which are family members, or other beneficiaries, which can be friends or even charities you feel passionate about.
  • Dividing Up Assets – You’ll also need to consider how much of each asset your heirs and beneficiaries will receive. Fair division of assets can help your loved ones avoid conflicts related to your will.
  • Choosing an Executor – An executor is the person responsible for carrying out all tasks related to your will. This includes locating assets, paying off creditors, and providing assets to heirs and beneficiaries according to your wishes.

For families with minor children, you can also use a will to pick a guardian. This person will assume responsibility for your child, including overseeing their financial needs. Without a guardian, the decision of who will take care of your children will be left to the state.

Why Should You Choose Walk-In Wills When Developing an Estate Plan?

Our team of attorneys at Walk-In Wills understand that the estate planning process is often complex. That’s why we strive to make the process, including will creation, as streamlined as possible. However, you can rest assured that you and your estate are in good legal hands, as we approach every client with more than 20 years of experience.

Schedule a free consultation at our office today by calling (480) 470-7000. You can also contact us to learn more about our firm and what we can do for you.