Contact Walk-In Wills today for help with will and trust creation, probate, long-term care planning, and other essential estate planning needs.

Steps for Setting up a Trust in Gilbert, AZ

Trusts are just one of many estate planning tools that provide people with ample peace of mind. They offer numerous benefits, including probate avoidance and the ability to control how assets are dispersed. As a result, it’s important to consider trust creation when evaluating your estate planning options.

Here at Walk-In Wills, we offer clients in Gilbert, Tempe, and Peoria, AZ with reliable estate planning assistance. Along with helping you create a last will and testament, we can also provide information regarding trusts and how they function.

A Guide to Trust Creation

While you should always seek estate planning assistance from an attorney, it also helps to understand the different steps involved in trust creation:

  • Choose which assets you wish to place in the trust
  • Name the beneficiaries who will receive your assets
  • Establish rules for dispersing assets to your beneficiaries
  • Name a trustee to manage the trust and enforce the rules

Performing these steps correctly is key to a smooth process when it comes to providing heirs with assets held in the trust.

How to Choose a Trustee

One of the most important aspects of trust creation is choosing the trustee. This person will be responsible for all the tasks and duties associated with the trust, which is why you must make a careful selection. When making a decision, consider the following factors:

  • Is the person responsible in their personal life? Are they well organized?
  • Do they have the time to devote to the tasks?
  • Are they financially literate? Do they handle their money well?
  • Are they willing to take on the role when the time comes?

For extra assurance, some people choose a successor trustee. This person can assume the responsibilities in the event the first selection is unwilling or unable to do so.

Contact Us Today for Help with Trust Creation

For more than two decades, Walk-In Wills has proudly assisted clients with a wide range of estate planning topics.
We welcome you to call (480) 470-7000 today to schedule an appointment with an attorney. You can also contact us to learn more before getting started.

Schedule a free consultation at our office today by calling (480) 470-7000. You can also contact us to learn more about our firm and what we can do for you.